it seems i've been a little distant lately . . . i guess until i get into a new routine i let a few things slide. the blog being one of them.
new work is finally feeling normal. :) yea!
school has been out for the summer for at least 2 months now.
no summer classes = me cleaning and organizing my house, and looking for other projects. what's with my obsession with being busy? no clue.
this fall will be my final semester before i officially have my bachelor's degree.
i'm already thinking about the next step. more thoughts to come later. . .
considering 8-month certification in kundalini yoga, but after doing 108 sun salutations for the summer solstice, am rethinking how much more practice i need before i teach.
other than that, here are a few of the pictures i have managed to take over the past month or so . . .
took a quick trip to slc with mom and sisters to see my cute niece and nephew in a play. they were darling and would totally wave at us during the play. we sort of instigated that though. :) they got trophies cause it was their last night.
lovely summer days. hope to be back more often.