This past weekend, August 24-25, I ran the Hood to Coast relay with my family from my Mom's side, the Holt's. Our team name was "Incredible Holts." It is a 197 mile relay race in Oregon, from Mount Hood to Seaside, Oregon. There are twelve members of your team and you each run three legs. I was leg #6. First I ran 7.42 at noon on Friday, then 4.17 at midnight Friday night, then my final run was 5.35 miles at about 10am the next morning. I got about 3 hours of sleep during that night. Wow! It was quite the event. There are two vans and each van trades off resting while the other van is running. So you run and then you get back in the van and cheer everyone else in your van on as they run. I had to make sure to get out and stretch a lot in between so my muscles wouldn't get too sore. My favorite part about it was seriously getting to hang with my family in such tight quarters and getting to know everyone so much more! Loved it! Enjoy the pics below of the fun-filled event.
This picture was taken by a man who actually posted it on an Oregon Newspaper blog, I think. It was at the starting line and he said he couldn't help but notice the huge Hulk hands I was wearing . . . if you didn't catch it by now, Hulk was our theme :) So now I'm famous on some random website. hehe! The starting Line!
Uncle Bri's motto for the race ;)
I know I felt like I could have been a little more prepared.
Our Amazing van (suburban) and the decorators . . . the master decorator is in the middle :)
"You mess with me . . . you mess with my whole van!"
The Goonies house!!! Yea!! We were able to visit it after the first van finished. We ate in Astoria and went on a mini Goonies tour! I loved it.
Me and Amy at the finish line!
We all met up at the finish line wearing our Hulk garb, that Marie had made us, to watch Marie run the last leg in and finish with her. They announced our name "Incredible Holts" as we ran across the finish line. Don't we look "Hulkified" in the pic! Wow - I love that I really said that :)