6 changes
~ Confucius
once again. thinking about resolutions. loved this article from zen habits and plan to do it differently this year. plan on changing my habits.
choosing 6 changes to make every two months in 2010. although they may sound overly simple. i like them and have thought long and hard on which 6 changes i want to make.
overall goal, big picture: love who i am.
1 change: exercise every morning (even if it is just for ten minutes)
2 change: eat 2 fruits and 2 vegetables everyday (seriously people, this is a goal)
3 change: drink 8 glasses of water everday
4 change: floss everyday (i know . . .)
5 change: meditate everyday
6 change: begin writing book (no i will not tell you what it's about, yet.)
will document my journey of these 6 changes here.
here i go. like bob from 'what about bob,' taking baby steps. :)
as far as the normal resolutions go. i love some of the ideas from here. and will implement some of them, even if they are not everyday habits.
how are you going about your resolutions? or am i just a resolutions freak this year?

i am beck 6 comments
Labels: Ideas, inspiration, Thinkings
tracking santa
i am beck 1 comments
Labels: Holiday
finally done with this semester . . . haven't been doing much else besides projects, cases, reports and tests. so this explains my absence.
i am so excited to have 3 whole weeks to do what i want after work. :) i have already got a list of books i want to read, recipes i want to try and movies i want to see.
not that i am trying skip over christmas, but i have been thinking about new years resolutions and way's to become more productive and happier, basically more balanced. i tend to stretch myself out and need to start incorporating some "me" time into the mix. i liked this site to get me going.
cute. and inspiring. i can find balance with small differences.
what i really like doing is writing a list of things i want and things i want to have happen in 2010. my favorite is looking at it after the year has past and seeing how the year turned out. i got this tradition from my daddy and haven't really kept up on it in the last few years. no better time to start than now! :)
what do you guys do to prep for the resolution writing??? and do you stick to them?
i am beck 1 comments
Labels: inspiration, things i want, Thinkings