About 30 minutes north of St. George, UT is a pretty little town called Pine Valley with some good hiking trails. Cody took me, Scott and Mary Ann on the Forsyth trail to the top of Pine Valley Mountain. From about 3,000 feet above sea level to about 10,100 feet above sea level. We were definitely huffing and puffing towards the top. The full hike was about 10.5 miles. We were pretty much done for the day after that. :)
Here we are at the trailhead trying to act tough like Scott.
A very beautiful hike! I love that we have a little bit of northern Utah hiking just 30 minutes away!
Silly little trail shots . . . and yes that is Cody revealin his spandex under his shorts. Classic Cody! :)
We finally made it to the top! We could see from Gunlock resevoir to Sand Hollow resevoir. It was extremely cold up there!
The view was beautiful . . . a little hazy!

By the time we got to the bottom we were sorta hot so we all dunked our heads in the river in honor of my funny Dad who always used to dunk his head in lots of rivers!
This is us at the top - a quick little video! :)