yes. i am taking swimming lessons.

not normal swimming lessons, but learn the technique swimming lessons. i know how to swim, but this is teaching me each of the strokes and how to do them correctly. my first one was last night and wow! it was awesome. :) i have a lot to learn and a lot to train my muscles and my breathing on, but i am pretty excited about it. jen is an amazing instructor! thanks jen! i am hoping to prepare for a triathlon in the fall or something. yea!
That sounds awesome.That a great goal to do a Tri! :)
ummm I think you are so awesome! I would love to take swimming lessons!! I really can't swim!!! I did a triathlon once and during the swim part (it was at gun lock) the rescue guy on the Jet Ski flagged me down with his gay orange flag and tried to save me. No I don’t need help; duh that’s just how I swim dog paddle, heard of it!!! Soo embarrassing!!!!
Sorry, I am not ignoring your questions we live right down-town below the Capitol (its fun, but we’re ready for our own house). Our neighbors are hilarious the other day she was stoned and dancing outside in her underwear… haha very entertaining!! And I got my swimming suit from Old Navy for $12.00
Good Luck with your swimming lessons… Keep updating; I want to know how it goes!!
I would totally do this! I can barely swim as it is, I could use all the help I could get.
sounds awesome! what tri and where? I've been seriously considering a tri this summer.
My mom has been taking them too. She said it KICK her butt! Swimming is tough. That is awesome!!
BECKY! ARE TOO NORMAL SWIM LESSONS!!!! :) You are going to pound on those other triathletes this fall seriously you are a great swimmer! KICK KICK KICK!!! See ya Tuesday!!!
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