this pay it forward {handmade} thing was way more fun than i would have expected. i sent out these and got this and now this cute new clutch. it's always fun to get something in the mail and handmade is even better. i am amazed at how talented robyn is! thank you so much!

fun inside material!

I got one too! I love it! :)
Yay, I'm glad you liked it!! They were fun to make, but it's not the best craftsmanship so don't look too close!! :)
Wow I am regretting not doing this when it cam around. bummer
Shep cuts hair in provo, the only down side is that he only cuts, and will not do color. But you look like you have kept your natural color so no problem for you
SO CUTE!!! Go Robyn!!
Oh :) and Kristine is my mom :) LOL
and I will send you my Aunties infor for couponing :)
that is so cute!
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