6 changes
~ Confucius
once again. thinking about resolutions. loved this article from zen habits and plan to do it differently this year. plan on changing my habits.
choosing 6 changes to make every two months in 2010. although they may sound overly simple. i like them and have thought long and hard on which 6 changes i want to make.
overall goal, big picture: love who i am.
1 change: exercise every morning (even if it is just for ten minutes)
2 change: eat 2 fruits and 2 vegetables everyday (seriously people, this is a goal)
3 change: drink 8 glasses of water everday
4 change: floss everyday (i know . . .)
5 change: meditate everyday
6 change: begin writing book (no i will not tell you what it's about, yet.)
will document my journey of these 6 changes here.
here i go. like bob from 'what about bob,' taking baby steps. :)
as far as the normal resolutions go. i love some of the ideas from here. and will implement some of them, even if they are not everyday habits.
how are you going about your resolutions? or am i just a resolutions freak this year?

i am beck 6 comments
Labels: Ideas, inspiration, Thinkings
tracking santa
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Labels: Holiday
finally done with this semester . . . haven't been doing much else besides projects, cases, reports and tests. so this explains my absence.
i am so excited to have 3 whole weeks to do what i want after work. :) i have already got a list of books i want to read, recipes i want to try and movies i want to see.
not that i am trying skip over christmas, but i have been thinking about new years resolutions and way's to become more productive and happier, basically more balanced. i tend to stretch myself out and need to start incorporating some "me" time into the mix. i liked this site to get me going.
cute. and inspiring. i can find balance with small differences.
what i really like doing is writing a list of things i want and things i want to have happen in 2010. my favorite is looking at it after the year has past and seeing how the year turned out. i got this tradition from my daddy and haven't really kept up on it in the last few years. no better time to start than now! :)
what do you guys do to prep for the resolution writing??? and do you stick to them?
i am beck 1 comments
Labels: inspiration, things i want, Thinkings
long, lovely weekend
this thanksgiving weekend was much too short for my taste. i was enjoying my lazy mornings and my productive days and hanging out with my mom, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, niece, nephew, and boyfriend. :) i added the bf because with my crazy schedule we barely see each other, so it was nice to have a moment to hang out.
a random list of items from my grateful list:
gummy bears
sleeping in
connecting with family again
new laptop {happy christmas to me!}
a clean house
a water heater that works again {never realized how grateful i am for it, til now.}
vol. 25 {totally on my christmas list}
flight of the conchords

i am beck 2 comments
Labels: Holiday, Random, things i want, Thinkings
beckend designs @ tom & lucy's art shoppe

Tom and Lucy's Art Shoppe - This weekend: 3 Day Holiday Boutique - (Nov. 19- Nov. 21) Lehi, UT

i am beck 2 comments
Labels: Creations, Participating In
beckend designs
beckend designs is our design shop and our first creations are coasters. I gave you a little taste in july and now we are really introducing our shop!
here are a few of our designs that are available to choose from:

more to come soon! for more information visit us here. or email us at beckenddesigns(at)gmail(dot)com!
which one is your favorite?

i am beck 5 comments
Labels: Creations
german spritz cookies
made these lovelies for my final presentation in int'l biz. they were a hit.
it was fun to make them and finally use my cookie press that i have had for so long and never used! i think i will make more for christmas and involve the nieces and nephews in the fun.
i am beck 1 comments
sand mountain

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this is it

our favorite move of the night is at about second 11 of this video.
go see it.

image via.
i am beck 4 comments
Labels: awesome
busy signal
this is how i feel.

the thing is . . . i do it to myself.
i work a ton, i go to school a ton and then i volunteer to judge my little brothers debate thing this weekend and i sign up to make 50 sets of coasters for a boutique in november.
i am actually really excited about the boutique, i just can't believe that i signed up for it. i mean, come on becky.
so if you were wondering what i am doing and why i don't blog more, this is why. i want to blog more. so maybe i will just add it to my list.
better yet, i will do this on my breaks.
a chance to vent and/or be creative.
look for more posts about the trip i am going to plan when this is all over. i am in need of at least a two-week adventure in some far-off place in this world.

image via.
i am beck 4 comments
Labels: Thinkings
baking with ar mel's
here are the pics from my baking extravaganza with my two sista's. amy has an amazingly delicious bakery she started about a year ago and it's getting bigger and bigger. :) she had a huge order to do and asked for my and sara's help. it was a good excuse to go up and hang with my sister and her family even if we didn't get much sleep.
we were so busy baking that we sorta forgot to take pictures. here a few. the gift bags we made included: amazing brownies covered in cream cheese frosting and ganoche, snickerdoodles dipped in chocolate and chocolate chip cookie bars with chocolate and peanut butter topping. yum! 128 gift bags later . . . whew.
later that weekend we did a little day trip to tracy aviary in liberty park and the old spaghetti factory. i had never been there and it was fun!

fun sisters! we missed you cam!
thanks ame! love ya.

i am beck 7 comments
michael buble
why did i not know he was this cute?? love him. and love this song.
michael. i'm right here. you can meet me now. ;)
did you know he was this cute?
thanks cindy!
i am beck 4 comments
Labels: things i want
early morning glee
i got about 2 hours of sleep thursday night. {due to a huge bakery order that i helped my sister with and will post about soon.} so i fell asleep at about 6:30pm friday night, thinking i would sleep through the night just fine. nope. totally woke up at 2am wide awake and ready to start the day. after an hour of trying to force myself back to sleep, i gave up and did some catching up on the episodes of glee that i have missed.
i love glee. i think it's the inner nerd in me that wishes life were a musical and it's sort of like that on glee. this clip is from one of the three shows i watched that morning and i LOVE it.
i am almost obsessed with the original by beyonce and this one just makes me smile. seriously. are you watching glee?
if not, go to hulu and do it up!
i am beck 10 comments
Labels: awesome
dominic's quilt
finished this fun quilt for sabrina and aaron's new son dominic! it was so fun to make and fun to remember how to embroider again. now i just need to get a picture of the cute little guy in it.

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Labels: Creations

loved the movie and loved that i was alone.
does anyone else go to movies alone sometimes? i think i might do it more often.

i am beck 9 comments
Labels: Thinkings
gold's gym, anyone?
here are the details:
**price is $300, upfront for 16 months! that works out to be $18.75 per month and you don't have to pay startup costs or the lame bi-annual fee of $15. she already paid for all of it. {i believe new contracts are starting at $27 per month}
i wish i would have known about this before i renewed my contract, but i didn't so it's your gain. let me know if you want to buy it from her. it really is a great deal and then we can be gym buddies! i really need one!

i am beck 0 comments
Labels: awesome
feather headbands
i found more on etsy here.

aren't they so cute!? i think i am going to search for feathers and try to make them myself, but if i can't find the perfect ones then i will cave and buy one of these lovelies. i love the ones with the peacock feathers . . . and maybe a little less big. i've got to work up to it.

i am beck 4 comments
Labels: awesome, things i want
kundalini yoga with benja
over the summer while talking to my aunt steph, the subject of music came up. i'm not sure what exactly we were talking about but she handed me her ipod and pressed play. i loved the song playing. instant connection. :) she says that she listens to this song and it makes everything right in her world. :) i can totally see why.
i thought about the song off and on. mostly when i would go to yoga classes and would contemplate buying it, but i would forget. then i heard it in my first kundalini yoga class taught by benja peterson. {who owns benja thai and i absolutely love the restaurant and love her.}
i love it when things like this happen. hearing something or about something and it keeps showing up in my life. needless to say, i loved the class. it was different than any other yoga class i have taken. and i have recruited family members to come to it every monday at 5:30pm with me. so if you want to come . . . email me and i will let you know where it is!
she ended class with this song. loved it.
so thanks steph, for introducing me to this beautiful music!
i am beck 4 comments
Labels: inspiration
back to school
so i've been purchasing books {ugh}, and other school supplies.
whenever fall comes around i think of the scene in you've got mail where they are emailing about "bouquets of sharpened pencils." love the idea of this. and love tom hanks and meg ryan.

the schedule has been crazy so far and i feel like i have been living out of my car, running from one place to the next, but i hope to have everything organized by next week. i may actually be able to fit passengers in my car then. :)
do you have any first week of school tips to help in organization or even staying sane?? i could use the help!
p.s. i am actually taking 13 credits and the 13th one is my favorite. kundalini yoga. i love it so far and have more to share on that front so stay tuned.
image via flickr.

i am beck 7 comments
Labels: School
quilts and such

i am beck 3 comments
handmade for me!

fun inside material!

i am beck 5 comments
Labels: awesome, Creations, inspiration